The Law Development and Protection Foundation in cooperation with CPI Human Rights Protection Armenian Centre (CPI) implements a subgrant project titled “Towards Better Criminal and Administrative Adjudication and Enforcement.” The subgrant project is funded by the European Union within the scope of “Justice Reform Monitoring in Armenia –JUREMONIA project (
The subgrant project is aimed at contribution to ensuring public monitoring of the judicial and legal Reforms. Thus, monitoring, reporting, and advocacy activities are planned. The LDPF together with the CPI will carry out qualitative analysis and assessment of implemented and ongoing reforms in the selected three areas: application of alternative measures of restraint, administrative proceedings in courts, and enforcement of judicial acts. Loopholes in the legislation and problems in practice identified, and recommendations will be developed. The assessment activities will on one hand focus on the assessment of the impact of already implemented reform, for instance, adopted Criminal Procedure Code, and on the other hand will have a meaningful contribution to the legislative amendments envisaged by the 2022-2026 Judicial and Legal Reforms Strategy, in particular, in the development of the Law on Enforcement Procedures. Reports will be published on the monitoring results at the end of the project.