Position on the amendments to the Labor Code

On 29 April a public discussion was held on the draft law on " Amendments to the Labor Code of the Republic of Armenia," during which we, together with partner organizations, presented our position on some of the issues not regulated by the draft.

The RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Labor Code

The opionion on some regulations of the RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Labor Code is published.

Expert Opinion on the Draft Law on Making Amendment and Supplements to the Criminal Code of the RA

The opinion published by the Law Development and Protection Foundation and Transparency International Anticorruption Centre Armenia is available in Armenian.

The RA Draft Law on Making Amendments to the Administrative Procedural Code of the RA

The opinion is published on the RA Draft Law on Making Amendments to the Administrative Procedural Code of the RA.

On the Draft Statute of the Detention Facilities

The opinion is published on the Draft Statute of the Detention Facilities. The complete text is available in Armenian. 

The RA Draft Law on Foreigners and Stateless Persons

The opinion is published on the RA Draft Law on Foreigners and Stateless Persons.

Opinion on the RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Procedural Code of the RA

The RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Procedural Code of the RA is published.

The RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Procedural Code of the RA

The opinion is published on The RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Procedural Code of the RA.

The RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Procedural Code of the RA

The opinion on the RA Draft Law on Making Amendments and Supplements to the Criminal Procedural Code of the RA is published.

The RA Draft Law on State Secret

The opinion is available in Armenian.