Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of a sovereign democratic state. It is a well-known fact that elections have been falsified for many years, thus, people often were not able to exercise their power. Therefore, the formation of an electoral system that will always ensure the right of the people to exercise their power through elections is of high significance. As part of the “Eyewitness” observation mission, we are constantly engaged in observing elections. Based on the identified issues we make recommendations, conduct strategic litigation and try to contribute to the improvement of both the legislation and the practice.

Observations and Recommendations on Making Amendments to the Electoral Code of the RA and the related laws

The “Eyewitness” and “Independent Observer” observation coalitions have issued joint recommendations on the draft law on “Making Amendments to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia.” The draft laws on “Making Amendments and Supplements to the Electoral Code of the Republic of Armenia, to the Constitutional Law on Parties and several related laws were included in the agenda of the National Assembly and adopted in the first reading. on 24 October 2024 Both the draft laws adopted during the first reading and the provisions proposed in the period between the first and second readings are problematic and lack sufficient justification.

The recommendations are available in Armenian.