The Law Development and Protection Foundation in cooperation with partner organisations developed two alternative reports and submitted to the UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. The reports were developed ahead the 74th Session of the Committee. Armenia’s progress pertaining to fulfillment of its obligations under the UN Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights were discussed during the Session.
Alternative report on the realization of the right to just and favourable conditions of work in Armenia (joint submission, co-authorship with the Law Development and Protection Foundation).
This report addresses the issue of discrimination in employment, trade union membership restrictions, restrictions on the right to strike, assessment of occupational risks to pregnant, breastfeeding women and women who have recently given birth and the lack of factor-based occupational risk assessment system for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It pertains to the violation of Armenia’s obligations under Articles 2 and 7 of the Covenant.
Alternative report on the State of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Armenia: A Joint Civil Society Report on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (collective submission by the initiative of Eurasia Partnership Foundation in cooperation with Human Rights Research Center, Disability Rights Agenda NGO, Law Development and Protection Foundation, and Child Protection Network.)
The report addresses the issue of eliminating discrimination, protection of the right to work, the right to health (focus on the right to clean air) and the right to education. The report also focuses on a regression in terms of the protection regime of a number of constitutional guarantees for economic, social and cultural rights, and as well as removal of some of guarantees of protection of those rights as a result of the Constitutional Reforms of 2015.
The reports are available here.
The work on alternative reports was carried out with the support of European Endowment Democracy (EED.)